Vote-by-mail ballot requests must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday 12 days prior to the election. (Florida Statute 101.62)
Effective April 17, 2024, per Florida Statute, requests for a mail ballot to be mailed to an address not already on your Voter Registration record must be in writing and be signed by the voter using the DS-DE 160 Statewide Vote-by-Mail Request form. (UOCAVA citizens are exempt from this requirement.)
If this applies to you, please download, fill out, print, and sign the Statewide Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request form below. The signed request forms can be submitted by mail, e-mail, fax, or in person at any one of our branch office locations.
- Statewide Vote-by-Mail Request Form (Please Note: You can make a vote-by-mail request for one voter per form.) (English PDF | Spanish PDF)
- Instructions for Completing the Statewide Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Form (English PDF | Spanish PDF)
To have your ballot sent to an address already on your Voter Registration record, you may use the web form below. Scroll down and click "Proceed" to begin.